The Rose and the Ring

Music by Michael Jeffrey, Lyrics and Libretto by Peter Morris


Selections from the score may be listened to while opening the various other components in pdf.


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Based on the novella by William Makepeace Thackeray, The Rose and the Ring tells the story of two star-crossed lovers, Prince Giglio and Betsinda, the servant girl. Giglio is under the thumb of his wicked uncle, Valoroso, who wants to kill the young prince and usurp his throne.  Betsinda, unbeknownst to her, is also heir to a throne. Due to a curse placed on their parents by the Fairy Blackstick, Giglio and Betsinda find themselves at the mercy of a magic rose and a magic ring, both of which make their possessors irresistible to the opposite sex. At the start of the play, the rose is in the position of vain and silly Princess Angelica, and Giglio has succumbed to its power. He is so blinded by the magic rose that he cannot see that Betsinda truly loves him.  When the fat and feckless Prince Bulbo shows up wearing the magic ring, all hell breaks loose as the magic talismans change hands and the unlikeliest of people become love objects, like the ugly old Countess Gruffanuff. At the end of the story, true love wins out and the villains get their come uppance.  A funny, tuneful fairytale for the whole family!


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CHARACTER BREAKDOWN (6 men, 4 women)


  1. Prince Giglio, early to mid 20s, handsome with a good sense of comedy
  2. Valoroso, early 40s to early 60s, a comic villain
  3. Padella et al, late 30s to early 60s, versatile character actor
  4. Prince Bulbo, early 20s to early 30s, a clown, fat and funny looking
  5. Mr. Smith et al, early to late 20s
  6. Mr. Jones et al, early to late 20s


  1. Betsinda, early to mid 20s, pert and pretty
  2. Angelica, early to late 20s, selfish and spoiled
  3. Gruffanuff, late 30s to early sixties, character actress with a strong rock belt
  4. Mrs. V/Blackstick, early 40s to early 60s