To set up a local student-run administration structure.
Once MainStreet establishes a relationship with one or more faculty members who agree to adopt the Campus TableRead Program, at least one student is selected to be the Producer whose responsibility is to supervise the preparation of the Campus TableRead.

The student Producer, assisted by a team or club of student associates, selects the Recommended Work that will be prepared for the Campus TableRead.

With faculty advisors and a Music Director, the Producer selects a Director, helps with casting, sets up the rehearsal and presentation schedules, and leads the Team through the activities.


Rehearsals are primarily needed to learn and polish the musical numbers.


There are three basic Presentation Formats. The last - The Opening - can be expanded for presentation at Benefit Events.

The Basic TableRead

The cast sits around a table with scripts and scores and reads the show.
Option: Certain musical numbers may be pre-recorded.

The Invited Dress

Colleagues - theatre and music professors & students - may attend.

The Opening

For invited guests and with the Creators in attendance or on Zoom.


Benefit Events

TableReads may be presented to the public as Benefit Events. Recruit alumni to introduce, narrate, or to play featured roles. Audience members pay a minimum charitable contribution. The benefiting charities advertise the event. Benefits may be presented more than once and for more than one charity.

Audio Stages

In cooperation with the college radio/tv/film department and under the supervision of Executive Administrator (and Broadway cast album producer) Thomas Z. Shepard, the TableRead is recorded, dialogue scenes are edited for time, narrations are written and recorded, and then the final AudioStages program is produced and submitted as a podcast to MainStreet's new podcast service.

Competitions and Awards are developed and winners are featured on MainStreet's website.